Marabel Morgan
Marabel first began drawing as a child. One day during class in the 4th grade, she sketched a boy sitting next to her. After class she showed him his picture. He loved it. He told her he wanted to buy it for a nickel! After that the other kids all wanted their picture drawn. But once everyone had their own drawing, she was out of business!
Every night at home, Marabel drew on whatever paper was available. Her stepfather was so impressed that on her 12th birthday, he gave her some art supplies – a brush, 4 tubes of oil paint, and a small canvas. He showed her a painting of sailors in a boat in a stormy sea by Winslow Homer, and encouraged her to try to copy this painting. And she did. This became her first oil painting.
Many years later, after raising her family, Marabel felt the urge to paint again. She enrolled as an art student at Florida International University, under Professor David Chang, a respected artist.
From that point, she began painting everything in sight. Her paintings display her ability to capture the essence of a person and her creative ability to see beauty all around her.
Marabel lives in Miami, married to attorney Charles Morgan. They have two daughters – Laura Morgan Horton and Michelle Knott.
She is the author of “The Total Woman,” the #1 Best Selling Hardback Book of 1976, as well as "Total Joy,“ "The Total Woman Cookbook - Handbook for Kitchen Survival,” “The Electric Woman,” and most recently, her memoir, “Hard Beginning, Happy Ending.”
Marabel enjoys painting and is available by commission.